What to do after a therapy session.

Have you ever left a therapy session feeling emotionally exhausted?

Today I want to talk about activities we can do after we have had a tough therapy session. It is not unusual for many of us to have our therapy sessions in the middle of our work day, between a meeting, before daycare pickup, or during a child’s naptime. Participating in virtual therapy allows us to chatter away for 55 minutes and then jump back into our day to day life.

Now, some days this may seem easy. However, after some therapy sessions this may seem like the most difficult thing to do. After a session you may feel physically and emotionally exhausted, like you just want to be alone for a bit or lay down, heavy? When feeling emotionally depleted after a therapy session you may wonder “Ugh! Why do I feel this way? Therapy must not be working?”

Therapy can be a vulnerable experience. We open ourselves up to discussing deeply personal and upsetting issues and that is hard work! It is important to note that not every therapy session will feel like this. Some days you make walk away feeling lighter, happier, and okay with knowing your therapist is holding space for you.

Here are a few things you can do after a tough session.

1. Take a moment. After a session allow time to decompress and re-center yourself before you jump back into work, parenting and day-to-day life. Even 10 minutes can make a meaningful impact on your emotional health.

2. Move your body. Going for a walk or doing some meditative yoga can help release some stress and the emotional energy leftover from the session.

3. Journal. Therapy can feel emotionally taxing and you may still be process much of the session after. Writing down your thoughts and and any insights you gained from therapy may help you retain what you learned. It is something you can go back to in-between sessions.

4. Thank yourself for attending. Therapy is a hard process and it is important to thank yourself for the willingness to be vulnerable and do the hard work. I know we don’t always like therapy but, acknowledge your worthiness to heal. Take a moment to appreciate the work you are putting in.

Healing is not a linear journey, there are many peaks and valleys. Do not feel discouraged if some therapy sessions feel harder than others. You are worthy of healing.


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